Web Development
Are you a beginner looking forward to learning how to create websites? We will guide you through the entire process: from how to write your first line of code to actually creating industry-standard websites for clients using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, etc.
Course Contents
Self Paced
80 Hours
Mentor LEd
40 Hours
With this knowledge you will be able to
Understand how websites work
Set up your domain and hosting and create your own portfolio website
Create professional business websites for corporates
Build eCommerce websites for your clients where they can sell their products
Create blogging websites
Get maintenance and bug fixing jobs for existing websites
Get a good grasp on the concepts of web development setting you up to specialize further in either front-end or back-end web development
Course Curriculum
- Chapter 01: Introduction
- Chapter 02: HTML Basics
- Chapter 03: Advanced HTML
- Chapter 04: Creating a full website structure in HTML
- Chapter 05: Fundamentals of of CSS
- Chapter 06: Advanced CSS
- Chapter 07: CSS Flexbox
- Chapter 08: Lets Style our HTML website structure
- Chapter 09: Fundamentals of Bootstrap 5
- Chapter 10: Advance Bootstrap 5
- Chapter 11: Dart SASS
- Chapter 12: Lets create a Responsive Landing with Bootstrap and SASS
- Chapter 13: Fundamentals of Javascript and JS syntax
- Chapter 14: Conditionals, Data Types and Operators
- Chapter 15: Functions, Loops, Methods of Data Types
- Chapter 16: Asynchronous and Advance JavaScript
- Chapter 17: Object Oriented Programming with JavaScript
- Chapter 18: ES6 and Modern JavaScript
- Chapter 19: Document Object Model (DOM) Manipulation with JavaScript
- Chapter 20: The missing pieces of DOM and handling Events
- Chapter 21: Version Control and the Terminal
- Chapter 22: Introduction to Node JS and NPM
- Chapter 23: Fundamentals of React
- Chapter 24: JSX, Props and Lists
- Chapter 25: Advance React Topics
- Chapter 26: Basic React Hooks and Router
- Chapter 27: Advance React Hooks
- Chapter 28: Forms, API’s, External UI Libraries and Custom React Hooks
- Chapter 29: Project - A Markdown Blog
- Chapter 30: Project - An app that finds github users using the Github API
- Chapter 31: Project - A blog website where all blog data is benign pulled from an API
- Chapter 32: Project - An Ecommerce Project using Material UI
- Chapter 33: Final Course Assignment
Course Curriculum
Introduction to the course |
How to get the most out of this course |
Let’s get the setup done |
The document structure and doctype |
What are HTML tags ? |
Tags for handling text |
HTML Lists |
Link tags |
HTML Tables |
Image tags |
Conventional and Layout HTML tags |
HTML Forms |
What is Semantic HTML |
Semantic tags (header, footer, section, article) |
Semantic tags (aside, main, time, details) |
HTML5 video/audio |
HTML meta tags |
HTML special characters |
Assignment: Create a small website structure where you will display information about yourself |
What is CSS and how CSS works |
Ways to select an element to style |
Font and Text styling |
The Box Model |
Changing colors and backgrounds |
CSS layout properties |
Advance CSS properties |
Pseudo Properties |
Transitions and Transform |
CSS Flexbox and it’s uses |
Media Queries and Breakpoints |
Making grids with Flexbox to create a full website layout |
Assignment: Style the website structure that you build in last weeks assignment
What is Bootstrap why to use it |
How to setup Bootstrap for a project |
The Bootstrap Grid |
Breakpoints |
Rows and Columns |
Bootstrap Components and Elements |
Bootstrap Utilities |
Forms |
Helpers |
What is SASS and how to use it |
Variables |
Nesting |
Modules |
Operators |
Mixins |
Assignment: Recreate your personal website (that you built in assignment of week 1 & 2) with Bootstrap and SASS and share how easy or difficult it is to use Bootstrap and SASS |
Introduction to JavaScript |
Let’s write some JavaScript code |
JavaScript Variables |
Arrays in JavaScript |
Data types in JavaScript and Truthy/Falsy Values |
Operators in JavaScript |
if/else and switch statements |
The LOOPS and how to use it to write less code |
Data Type Methods |
Functions, Function Expressions and IIFE |
Using Function as parameters and return values and the Scope chain |
Closures |
What is Asynchronous JavaScript and Promises |
An Example of Asynchronous JavaScript |
Async-Await, API and Ajax |
Making AJAX Calls with Fetch and Async-Await |
Assignment: Create and tip calculator with the rules from below |
Introduction to OOP |
Objects in JavaScript |
Creating Objects Function Constructors |
The “this” keyword |
What’s new in ES6 JavaScript? |
Arrow Functions and Default parameters |
Arrays in ES6 and Map method and the Rest Parametre |
Destructuring |
Classes and Subclasses |
What is DOM and how does it work? |
Manipulating the DOM for the first time |
How to select DOM elements in different ways |
Changing styles of elements with DOM Manipulation |
Handling Events |
Special Methods for elements while manipulating the DOM |
Good practices while handling events |
Assignment: Create a small ludo game with JavaScript |
Introduction to the terminal and CMD |
Basic commands |
What is version control |
Git and Github |
How to use Github fully |
What is Node JS and NPM |
Setuping Node JS |
Basic package install and packages.json file uses |
Why you need Node JS to learn modern JS development |
What are JavaScript libraries and why you should learn React |
Environment setup and Create-React-App |
Understanding the files and the architecture of components |
Class Vs Functional Components |
Nested components |
What is JSX and why it is important |
How to write Raw JavaScript and CSS in a JSX file |
What is props and how to use it |
Prop Drilling and Props Destructuring |
Lists in React and .map method and the spread operator |
Assignment: Create a small React web application with more than 5 sections |
State management |
Component lifecycle methods |
Styled Components |
Module based CSS in a Component |
Conditional Rendering |
PropTypes |
Why React Hooks? |
useState |
General rule of hooks |
useEffect and Short-Circuit Evaluation |
React Router and how to use in a real web application |
useMemo |
useRef |
useReducer |
useContext and Context API |
useCallback |
Handling forms with controlled input |
Handling forms with useRef |
Fetching Data From an API |
Using Axios to get data from an API |
Creating a custom React hook that fetches data from an API url |
What are external libraries and why you should use them |
Using tailwind CSS to create a small tours list application |
Let’s create a Markdown Blog |
Creating an app that finds github users |
Lets create a blog website with an API |
Let’s create an eCommerce website with Material UI |
Create your own brand new portfolio website from scratch using the topics of the whole course and share it. |
We will also teach you SOFT SKILLS!
because you will need them to excel in the Freelance marketplaces
In addition to learning technical skills, you will also need freelancing skills, mostly tips and tricks on how to win jobs and grow your portfolio.
With our expert mentors who are also professional freelancers, we have created a complete freelancing skills course that will take you from a beginner to an expert in no time.
We will teach you how to find appropriate jobs, write proper cover letters and negotiate to get better rates for your work.
Most of the clients in the Freelance marketplaces communicate in English
To help you become better in your communication and negotiation, we will provide you with an Business English course.
We will start with the basics of the English language and we will teach you everything you need to know to communicate effectively with your clients.